Friday, November 3, 2017

688 Attack Sub

 688 Attack Sub

688 Attack Sub is a submarine simulator video game developed and published by Electronic Arts for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console in 1991. The game puts the player in command of a Los Angeles-class submarine and tasks them with various missions, such as carrying out reconnaissance, attacking enemy ships and submarines, and defending friendly vessels. The game features realistic submarine mechanics and offers a variety of weapons and equipment for the player to use. 688 Attack Sub received generally positive reviews upon its release, with praise given to its graphics, sound, and gameplay.

688 Attack Sub is a simulation game that requires the player to learn and understand the mechanics of operating a submarine. Here are some basic instructions to help you get started:

1. Choose a mission: When you start the game, you'll be presented with a list of missions to choose from. Each mission has different objectives and challenges, so choose one that interests you.

2. Learn the controls: Before you start your mission, take some time to familiarize yourself with the controls. The game uses a combination of buttons and the D-pad to control the submarine.

3. Navigate the submarine: Use the D-pad to move the submarine in different directions, and use the A and C buttons to control the speed. The B button is used for firing weapons.

4. Use sonar to detect enemy ships: The sonar screen displays information about the surrounding area, including the location of enemy ships and submarines. Use this information to plan your attacks and avoid detection.

5. Attack enemy ships: When you've located an enemy ship, use the torpedo or missile systems to attack it. Be careful not to get too close to the enemy, as they can fire back and cause damage to your submarine.

6. Manage your resources: Your submarine has limited resources, such as fuel, torpedoes, and missiles. Make sure to use them wisely and conserve them whenever possible.

7. Complete the mission objectives: Each mission has specific objectives that you must complete in order to succeed. Pay attention to the mission briefing and use your skills and equipment to accomplish your goals.

Overall, 688 Attack Sub is a challenging and rewarding simulation game that requires patience, strategy, and skill. Take your time to learn the mechanics and controls, and enjoy the immersive experience of commanding a submarine in a time of war.

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