Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Birds of Prey Birds of Prey game DOS - 1992

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey is a fairly complex combat flight simulator by Argonaut Software, featuring a lot of different planes and missions. The Amiga version contained a breathtaking intro that is sadly completely missing in the PC version of the game. The PC conversion was done by Chris Sawyer of Transport Tycoon fame.
Here's a more in-depth look at the game from a review at Amiga Games Database: "What [Birds of Prey] did involve was just about every jet the US and USSR had at the time, with C130 Hercules transports and the X rockets the US used to run supersonic tests on. Surprisingly, although perhaps not given their involvement with Armour Geddon, this was a Psygnosis effort.
Birds of Prey was definitely one for the aircraft fancier. You could pick a mission to suit and get into the cockpit of just about anything going, for either side. Handling was appropriate in pretty much all cases and the 3D engine suitably slick. You could mount attacks on ships, factories, and tank batallions. You could drop supplies from your Hercules, or strafe an area with the A-10's big gun. This was also the first Sim I'd encountered in which you could actually refuel in mid air.
Unfortunately there was a price to pay for having all these planes and the touches like mid-air refuels. And that price was the map. Or the lack of it. No Middle East scenarios, no European scenarios, just the one map, with the good guy side and the bad guy side, and that was it. So although you did have quite a few toys to play with, the sand box wasn't very big or varied. Which is a pity, because otherwise Birds of Prey was a very competent Sim. It just wasn't one I'd recommend to, for example, ThunderHawk fans who were used to evolving storylines and varied terrain types."
Still a Top Dog, regardless :)
Note: The answer for the copy-protection question is shown on-screen in brackets.


SWIV 3D game


Description of SWIV 3D

Blue Thunder and Airwolf.. what do these shows have in common? Well, a few things. For a start, they were all made in the eighties. Secondly, they were both about people zipping about in well armed helicopters, taking out criminals. And finally, despite the current Hollywood trend of converting old shows to the big screen, they have yet to have movie versions made of them. Why is this?
Admittedly, Airwolf was pretty cliched, each episode being more or less a carbon copy of the last one, usually involving international terrorists, Russians, or both. Airwolf definitely had a high 'anti-ruskie' factor. And the special effects were more than a tad dodgy. And so was the plot; this bloke's brother was missing, and he refused to give back Airwolf, the big helicopter, till the government found him. All it needs is a good scriptwriter, a massive budget, loads of gratuitous explosions, and a star, and hey presto, you've got an instant hit. They certainly shouldn't have any problems with slaughtering the premise; just look what happened with Mission Impossible.
But what does all this have to do with SWIV 3D, the latest game from S.C.I.? Well, not all that much. Except that in SWIV 3D, you fly a heavily armed helicopter, a little like those in the aformentioned eighties series, as you blast your way through a number of hostile territories. You see, SWIV 3D is no sim; there's no fuel level to watch, no throttle to fiddle with, just pure blasting action. And why? I'm afraid you've got me there.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Art of Fighting ARCADE GAME SEGA

Art of Fighting

Art of Fighting

Master System Cover
Platform(s)Arcade, Master System
Arcade systemSega System 32
The Art of Fighting series follows the conventions of the time in the sense that the player faces a variety of opponents in best two-out-of-three matches. Each of the game's characters have a unique fighting style and set of special techniques. The player has two basic attacks—punch and kick—as well as a utility button that switches between punches, kicks, and throws. A fourth button is used for taunting. Art of Fighting's contribution to the genre was the inclusion of a "spirit gauge" underneath the character's life bar. When characters perform special techniques, their spirit gauge is depleted and their special attacks become weaker. Players can also drain their opponent's spirit gauge by taunting them.
The Art of Fighting series was also the first fighting series to allow players to perform a "super attack." In the original Art of Fighting, the player's character can learn a super attack (dubbed the super death blow) by completing one of the game's bonus rounds (this technique is available by default in the 3rd game). All three games also feature "Desperation Attacks" that can only be performed when the player's health is low and the life bar is flashing.

Taking place in 1978, Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia set out to find Ryo's sister, Yuri, who has been kidnapped by Mr. Big. Mr. Big has taken the girl to entice Takuma Sakazaki, Ryo's father and originator of the fictional form of karate known as Kyokugen Karate ("Extreme style"), and because Ryo refused to work for Big. After they defeat Mr. Big, Ryo and Robert face the enigmatic Mr. Karate. Art of Fighting's story ends with a cliff-hanger; Yuri is about to disclose the true identity of Mr. Karate as their father Takuma.
Ryo and Robert are the only playable characters in the single player story mode, although eight of the game's ten characters are playable by default in the two player versus mode. Mr. Big and Mr. Karate can be played in the Neo Geo MVS (arcade) version by reaching their respective stages in the game then having a second player join in, and in the Neo Geo AES (console) version through the use of cheat codes.
Art of Fighting's events are referenced often in the wider SNK universe; The King of Fighters '97, for instance, parodies the events of the game in its ending.
Art of Fighting was re-released for Nintendo Switch on 21 September 2017.
A Sharp X68000 version of Art of Fighting was in development by Magical Company but it went unreleased for unknown reasons

Fusion 3.64

Thursday, April 23, 2020

field combat

field combat

The object of the game is to make it all the way to the end of the battlefield using the Genesis; a warship that can fire off missiles. While the player controls the blue forces, the player must defeat the Red forces without dying in the process by either avoiding or shooting helicopters, infantrymen, and tanks. An interesting characteristic of the game is that it is possible to ask for reinforcements from an army, which the player possesses, by pressing both the A and B buttons at the same time. Whenever the player runs out of units to aid him in battle, he can use his special weapon to "absorb" the enemies and add them to his army.
The game used Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries as its background music. There is also an enemy UFO like spaceship that, when in battlefield, attempts to grab and escape with a player friendly unit (if there is any on the battlefield).It will also engage into air-to-air battle with a friendly helicopter (if 
there is any).
Field Combat (Japan) (NES) Longplay - YouTube

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Xevious shooter arcade game


Xevious هي لعبة فيديو من نوع العاب إطلاق النار الرأسية الرائدة، صدرت في عام 1982 وتم تطويرها من قبل شركة Namco لمنصات الأركيد والعديد من المنصات الأخرى، مثل أجهزة الكمبيوتر وأجهزة الألعاب المنزلية.

تدور أحداث اللعبة في عام 2085 حيث يتحكم اللاعب في طائرة فضائية تدعى Solvalou ويتم إرساله في مهمة للقضاء على أعداء خطيرين يهددون الأرض. يتميز اللعبة بنظام لعب بسيط، حيث يقوم اللاعب بتحريك الطائرة الفضائية بشكل رأسي على شاشة اللعبة ويطلق النيران على الأعداء ويحاول تجنب الأعداء والعقبات في الطريق.

تتميز اللعبة بالرسومات البسيطة والموسيقى المميزة، وتعتبر من أولى ألعاب الفيديو التي تضمنت نظام اللعب بالتمرير الرأسي، وحظيت بشعبية كبيرة في عالم الألعاب. يتضمن اللعبة مختلف المستويات والمراحل، وتحتوي على العديد من الأعداء المتنوعين والقوى الخاصة التي يمكن للاعب استخدامها للقضاء على الأعداء بشكل أسرع.

تحتوي اللعبة على العديد من الإصدارات والنسخ المختلفة على مدار السنوات، وتعتبر اللعبة إحدى أعمدة صناعة ألعاب الفيديو القديمة والتي أثرت في تطورها وتطور ألعاب الإطلاق النار الرأسية والألعاب الأخرى في مجال الألعاب الإلكترونية.
 Xevious هي لعبة إطلاق نار رأسية تحتوي على العديد من مراحل اللعب المختلفة ومركبات العدو. في هذه اللعبة، يتحكم اللاعب في طائرة فضائية تسمى Solvalou، ويحاول القضاء على الأعداء وتجنب العقبات في الطريق.

تتضمن مراحل اللعبة العديد من المشاهد المختلفة، بدءًا من الغابات والصحاري والجبال، وصولاً إلى المدن والمناطق الحضرية. كل مرحلة تحتوي على أعداء مختلفين وعقبات مختلفة، ويجب على اللاعب التغلب عليها جميعًا للوصول إلى الهدف النهائي.

تشمل مركبات العدو في اللعبة العديد من الطائرات الفضائية المختلفة، والدبابات، والسفن الفضائية، وأبراج الدفاع، ومنصات الإطلاق وغيرها. وكل مركبة لها مهاراتها الفريدة ويجب على اللاعب التعامل معها بشكل مختلف.

يتميز اللعبة بأنها تشمل أيضًا مراحل مختلفة تتطلب من اللاعب التحرك في جميع الاتجاهات، وليس فقط في الاتجاه الرأسي. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تحتوي اللعبة على مراحل تحت الماء، حيث يجب على اللاعب التعامل مع الأعداء والعقبات تحت الماء.

بشكل عام، تتميز Xevious بتصميمها الرائع والموسيقى المميزة، وتعتبر إحدى ألعاب الفيديو الكلاسيكية الأكثر شهرة في تاريخ ألعاب الفيديو. وتحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين عشاق الألعاب الإلكترونية وعشاق ألعاب الإطلاق النار الرأسية.

Xevious is a vertical-scrolling shooter video game. The player controls a starship known as the Solvalou to destroy the Xevious forces, who plot to take over Earth.[1] The Solvalou has two weapons for combating enemies - an "air zapper" that fires projectiles at flying enemies,[2] and a "blaster bomb" for destroying enemies stationed on the ground.[2] The Solvalou also has a blaster receptacle which will determine where the bombs will go to, used to destroy ground targets.[2]
Certain areas of the game will have a fight against the Andor Genesis mothership, which will launch an endless stream of projectiles and explosive black spheres known as "Zakatos".[2] The player can either destroy all four blaster receptacles or simply destroy the core in the center to defeat it.[2] Some parts of the game will have hidden towers known as "Sol Citadels", which can be found by bombing specific parts of an area[1] - these areas will cause the Solvalou's receptacle to flash red when flown over.[1] Yellow "Special Flags" from Namco's own Rally-X are also found in a random section of the area - collecting it will award the player an extra life.[1]
The game has a total of 16 stages, known as "areas" in-game, which will loop back to the first after completing them all.[1] Dying about 70% through an area will allow the player to start at the beginning of the next.[3] These areas have large geographical features, such as forests, sand roads, rivers and mechanical structures - certain areas will also have Nazca lines placed on the ground, notably the "condor" design.[3] The game becomes progressively more difficult as the player becomes more skilled - once the player does well at destroying a certain enemy type, a more advanced enemy type will replace it;[3] this can be reverted by destroying flashing-red "Zolback" radars found on the ground, which will 
cause the more advanced enemies to instead be replaced with easier ones.
Release years by system:
  • 1983 – Arcade (Namco Galaga)
  •  1984 – Family Computer, Fujitsu FM-7, Apple II, Atari 8-bit family
  • 1987 – Commodore 64, Atari 7800, ZX Spectrum, Sharp X68000
  • 1988 – Nintendo Entertainment System
  • 1990 - Famicom Disk System
  • 1995 - Arcade (Namco ND-1)
  • 2001 - Windows
  • 2002 - Mobile phone[3]
  • 2004 - Game Boy Advance (Classic NES Series)[4]
  • 2007 - Xbox 360[5]
  • 2009 - Wii Virtual Console[6]
  • 2011 - Nintendo 3DS[7]
  • 2013 - Wii U Virtual Console[8]

Monday, April 20, 2020

Abrams Battle Tank gameplay PC Game, 1988

Abrams Battle Tank gameplay (PC Game, 1988)

Take the most powerful NATO tank, the M-1 Abrams, in 8 difficult missions against the Warsaw Pact forces. The four tank stations and the other aspects of the tank are quite nicely simulated, with different types of cannon rounds, coax machine guns, and all that. There's also the independent turret and track rotation commands.

Probably the best tank simulation game made in the eighities by Dynamix. You, as a pilot of US Abrams Battle tank, have to complete various missions and, of course, try to stay alive.
The game features average graphics and weak sound, but is very enjoyable to play. If you get sick of Microprose's sims (how could you???), this might be a great relaxation.

One of the first 3D tank simulator also remains to this day one of the finest. Designer Damon Slye created a game that offers both realism and great gameplay without sacrificing the fun factor. Control modern U.S. tank Abrams in various missions ranging from bombardment to escort. A great game that stands the test of time, and bodes well for Slye's later Aces series.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

SimIsle Missions in the Rainforest

Since the first Sim City, I have always enjoyed Maxis games for their ability to develop highly addictive games. "Sleepless nights in Sim City" could be the book's title where I would describe the countless hours I spent on this game and especially on its sequel, Sim City 2000. Therefore, you will easily understand that I was very happy when the final version of Sim Isle arrived on my desk.
The very first thing you will recognize is the 3D isometric view like in Sim City 2000, but if you compare the two of them longer, you will notice many differences. There are no icons representing the various types of buildings and other facilities, but instead you will find photos of the agents that you can select for different tasks. The view can be changed in many ways. There are three levels of zoom from a general panorama of the island to a more appropriate "working" map to closely watch what is going on. You can also rotate the map 90ø degrees to the left or to the right depending on which arrow you selected, and also lower or raise your point of view. This way, you will gradually pass from a flat perspective with a vertical view to a ground-level viewpoint with the kind of perspective that we, humans, are used to when we look around us. However, the default view is the same as in Sim City 2000 which is far the best, and I strongly recommend everyone to keep it like this. If you are curious to see what the island orientation arrows do to your view, check it out, but you will quickly realize that it is not very useful.


The satellite view offers a two-dimensional map of the terrain that allows you to visualize many things such as iron and coal deposits, polluted zones, routes, industrial areas, logging spaces, etc... The colored legend indicates the zones on the map with the brightest colors for rich deposits or important amounts of pollution or traffic for example, and the contrary for poor deposits. The other arrows on the interface map are used to pan the view in the direction you want to move, but you can also use the mouse directly on the view by clicking on the right button to advance where you want to go.
Well, enough talk about the view and its interface, and let's take a look at the agents. Each agent has one, two or even three special skills such as negotiation, employment, industrial, local ecology, exploration, etc... There are 24 agents to choose from and their choice must be based on your needs as it will cost you money to hire them. Each time you play a game, a group of agents will already be at your disposal, but if you prefer new agents, you can fire those you don't like and replace them. Whenever you want to use an agent, simply click on the photo to have a copy of his record, or to send him to a place where his skills are needed. For example, if you want to build a new structure, you will need an agent with construction skills at the construction site. Another example is with the industries where you need to hire extra workers to increase the production, and therefore you will have to send an agent with employment skills to the plant.
There are two different ways to play with Sim Isle. The first one is to complete a series of scenarios (25 to be exact), each with different goals and increasing in difficulty and the second is called "freeplay" mode where you manage the island and its resources without any other goals than making the island rich and prosperous.
Sim Isle is, however, not a rehash of Sim City 2000. In Sim City, you had to start and develop the town which means you had to deal with problems such as transportation, pollution, crime, power generation, housing, business, fire protection, etc... In Sim Isle, you must not take care of roads for example as they are automatically built when you install new sites. In fact, you can no longer manage the town as it was possible with Sim City 2000. The only things you can do with towns in Sim Isle is to build hospitals, educational and recreational structures and spiritual centers. You must check that the city is supplied with power and that is about all on towns. The environment is the most important thing in Sim Isle. You must extract raw materials from mines or the forest, supply heavy industries and other factories to produce manufactured goods. These products will increase the comfort of the inhabitants and will provide the necessary financial resources to continue your expansion. However, you must take care of the environment by checking that pollution is not threatening life, that the rainforest is not being depleted, that wild life is not heading for extinction, etc...
The SVGA graphics allow many details on the map such as trucks moving on the roads, small airplanes and even boats. Other details include the vegetation which features various colors that change because of the sun's movement across the horizon, the very realistic relief on the island, etc...
I forgot to mention the notebook, an online manual with information regarding the agents, ecology, population, industries and enterprise zones. It is a nice feature that quickly gives you all you need to know about a specific subject. The graph option will display charts with a wide range of statistics about your production and the resources.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Excitebike GAME


 Excitebike is a classic motocross racing video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1984. In Excitebike, the player controls a motocross rider who must navigate a series of tracks filled with obstacles and jumps while racing against other riders.

The game features two different modes: Design mode and Selection mode. In Design mode, players can create their own custom tracks using a variety of different obstacles and terrain types. In Selection mode, players can race on pre-designed tracks either solo or against other riders.

Excitebike was one of the first racing games to feature a track editor, which allowed players to create their own custom tracks. This feature added an extra level of replayability to the game and helped to make it a classic among retro gaming enthusiasts.

The game also features a unique temperature mechanic, where the player's bike can overheat if they overuse their boost or stay in the air for too long. This can lead to a temporary loss of control, making it a key factor in strategy during races.

Excitebike was well-received upon its release and is still considered a classic among retro gamers. The game has since been re-released on several Nintendo consoles, including the Nintendo Switch Online service, where it is available to play for subscribers.

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